dimanche 6 mars 2011

Fumer c'est bon contre ... les comètes

Pour rester en bonne santé: Mangez gras et fumez (les Cassiopéens).
Source: Laura Knight Jadczyk

"Black Death" = La peste noire
C'est vrai qu'on n'avait pas encore assez d'emmerdes :0)

One of the Cass Forum members, axj , noted:

Quite interesting symbology to Comet Elenin's name as well:

ELEven NINe, or even more striking when read backwards: NINELEven

And according to NASA, Comet Elenin will have its closest approach to the sun on... September 10, 2011 - which is also a NINE ELEVEN if you look at the year as 11 and month as 9. (JPL website for orbit data)

Now, what does all this mean? As it happens, there were other questions asked about Comet Elenin in that session that may be rather concerning especially in light of the recent superstorms on planet Earth, and possible future storms, not to mention the fact that we may spend some time in the tail of Comet Elenin towards the end of the year.

Q: (L) Next question. (Andromeda) Will Comet Elenin interact with and cause a major disruption of earth this year?

A: Possible yes.

Q: (Perceval) It's probably not possible to know exactly when. (L) Yeah, I think it depends on the conditions of the planet and so many other variables. It hasn't even gone through the asteroid belt yet. That traversal... The asteroid belt is between Jupiter and Mars, and it won't go through that until March and April....

A: Elenin is already taking its toll.

Q: (Perceval) How big is it?

A: 500km diameter along the long axis.

Q: (Perceval) At least it's not Venus...

A: It is growing.

Q: [discussion of answer] (L) Anything else about it?

A: And that is only the core.

Q: (Psyche) Yeah, and the tail... (Andromeda) Anything else on Elenin? (Perceval) We'll have to wait and see? (Psyche) {Considering the research we have recently done on comet borne pathogens and their possible relationship to the destruction of more than half of humanity during the Dark Ages which have now been identified as periods of cometary bombardment}, are we going to see a return of the Black Death?

A: Extremely likely.

Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.

A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.

Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"

A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.

Q: (L) A clue to the genetic profile?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) Oh, interesting. [everyone lights a cigarette and starts laughing] (Psyche) Everybody lights up! I feel like smoking! (laughter)

A: It is not just aliens that don't like to eat people that smoke! But from a certain perspective the viruses that cause such illnesses as the Black Death are "alien".

Q: (Psyche) You should read the article in the next issue of The Dot Connector magazine: "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection". (L) If you look at it from a 4th density perspective, when something like the Black Death comes and there is global suffering - and when you read about it, the Black Death is just horrible - but if there was such suffering on our planet from something like that, 4D STS would be getting a rich feast of suffering which is what they feed on. So, an alien virus would be interactive with 4D reality by providing its food.

A: Close enough!

Q: (Andromeda) When will this start? (Atriedes) That's kind of a prediction... (laughter) (Galaxia) Soon, or long term?

A: 18 months to 2 years.

Q: (L) In other words, if Elenin or something else has something like that in its tail, and the earth goes through the tail, it can still take a year or so for it to precipitate onto the earth?

A: Yes

Q: (Galaxia) Will colloidal silver help us fight the plague?

A: Not alone, but very helpful.

Q: (Galaxia) Will our dietary changes help us fight it off?

A: Enormously!!! Especially fat consumption for cell protection.

And so, we begin to understand more of the Evil Plotting going on behind the scenes by the PTB, the efforts to destroy human health by advocating low fat diets and trying to stamp out tobacco smoking!

As always, this is just speculative, but the Cs do have a darn good track record!


7 commentaires:

  1. @barge: "Les dimensions d'Elénin sont en réalité gigantesques. Elle serait plus grosse que Jupiter. Aujourd'hui, l'on évoque même ses dimensions à 4 fois celles de notre plus grosse planète gazeuse." wikistrike

  2. Sur le site dont parle Maha, Wikistrike,
    pourquoi nomme-t-on la comète Elenin Tyche ? Planète et comète, même chose ? Je suis perdue...

  3. qme suis pas trop penchée sur le sujet faudra demander à barge... J'ai lu qqpart que elenin était en fait une planète. A vérifier.

  4. pfff Qué boxon....

    Y a personne qu'aurait une chtit observatoire perso dans le coin ?

    à quoi servent les astro amateurs s'ils savent pas nous dépanner dans des cas d'intox possibles comme ici ?

    ça doit être observable-vérifiable d'une manière ou d'une autre, pas possible autrement...

    qui pourrait en faire le relevé ? ..de ces sites amateurs et pis on ferait la synthèse et pis on contacte ? :)

    histoire de pas se noyer la tronche dans ski ressemble trop souvent à de la branlette téléguidée...rester scientifiques et concrets, pas faire "leur" jeu.

    Tiens sinon, je viens de tomber sur un site et bouquin qu'à l'air pas mal, sais pas si déjà cité ici ??




  5. Donc si je comprends bien, septembre 2011 pour le passage de la comète, plus 2 ans avant de voir ses effets se produire sur la terre (peste noire ?) on arrive à +/- 2014.

    Comme dit Maha, les C's sont des bites quand il est question de temps mais sur ce coup-ci, ils n'ont pas l'air de se tromper beaucoup :-)

  6. je ne vois pas pourquoi ce long temps "d'incubation" dailleurs... a quoi ca rime? ou est ce qu on a compris qqchose de travers?

  7. @Maha

    Avec les C's, le problème réside dans le fait qu'il ne donne une réponse complète que lorsque les personnes qui posent la question ont suffisament "évolué" que pour avoir la réponse finale.

    Pour les C's, la connaissance protège et l'ignorance expose au péril. On évolue parce que l'on emmagasine de la connaissance.

    Le retour de la peste est qualifié de très probable (extremly like). La réponse n'est donc pas définitivement affirmative. Ce qui laisse à penser qu'il y a encore du travail (étude, analyse, recherches, ... d'ou augmentation des connaissances) à faire quelque part.


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