mardi 22 mars 2011

Une Europe coupée en deux

A mon avis c'est le scenario le plus optimiste....

Prepare for a European Union Divided in Two

Twenty-seven divided by two equals 17, with 10 left over. That's the new Euromath.
Sooner or later, the euro-zone financial crisis will be over. Greek, Irish, Portuguese and probably Spanish creditors will have neatly trimmed hair, the banks will have had to shore up their inadequate capital, German exporters will continue to cash the profits from the euro their southern partners have obligingly weakened, and the eurocracy will have found other reasons to meet. But Europe will not be the same.
It will be changed in two very important ways. First, the 27-nation European Union will have fractured into separate groups of 17 and 10. Second, the economies of the Gang of 17 will be centrally managed by a Franco-German coalition, while the nations among the 10 "leftovers" will fight a losing battle to effect the policies of the EU of which they are paid-up members. Peaceful coexistence between the 17 and the 10 is no sure thing.
The 17 euro-zone countries have made the direction in which they are heading very clear. The felt need to prevent defaults by its overly indebted members is leading to a more pervasive system of central economic management. The 17 are to have access to Germany's balance sheet, in return for which Germany is quite properly demanding a say in how they manage their economic affairs. Not only their budgets, but all the factors that affect their international competitiveness: methods of wage bargaining; the generosity of their welfare states, including the timing and terms of retirement; regulations concerning access to various occupations; and, most of all, tax rates. [...]
Wall Street Journal

5 commentaires:


  2. @Helios: aucune centrale n'est assurée, les assurances ne n'assurent pas le nucleaire, ni ls ogm dailleurs, car risques incalculables... sont pas fous!

  3. il y a aussi le japon qui va finir par se couper en deux !

    trois seismes M>6.6 ce matin.

    Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais j'ai l'impression d'un flottement où règne l'improvisation la plus totale autour de la centrale.

    Partant du principe que si un des réacteurs charger de MOX explose et diffuse son poison mortel dans l'atmosphère, tous les pays du nord risqueraient à terme une contamination de leurs populations et de leurs sols avec du plutonium.

    Face à un si grand danger, je n'arrive pas à comprendre que l'ONU arrive à se réunir pour décider de noyer sous les bombes la redoutable Libye mais par contre ne décide rien pour mobiliser tous les moyens possibles pour supprimer tout risque de contamination majeure...


  4. t'as été plus rapide que moi barge ;-)
    non mais quel naivité... faut pas confondre ONU et croix rouge (encore que meme eux...)

  5. Ouai.......... ça laisse sans voix !

    doucement le japon coule , mais on chasse la kadafi qu'on recevait hier.


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