HalfPastHuman l'avait vu venir en ces termes:
TSoTTC Issue 0
Pg 4:
Some of the supporting language suggests that the [vents] will cause [disruptions] in
[local] and [deep ocean systems (flows)] that in turn impact [humans] with [sickened/ill
ocean currents]. An alternative interpretation of these aspect/attribute sets could be
that the [oceanic currents], once [disturbed] by the [manifestation] of [new deep ocean
vents], then [bring disease/sickening] to the [inhabited shores].
Some of the supporting language suggests that the [vents] will cause [disruptions] in
[local] and [deep ocean systems (flows)] that in turn impact [humans] with [sickened/ill
ocean currents]. An alternative interpretation of these aspect/attribute sets could be
that the [oceanic currents], once [disturbed] by the [manifestation] of [new deep ocean
vents], then [bring disease/sickening] to the [inhabited shores].
Pg 5/6:
Other [oceanic] issues are forecast to directly affect the [human food supplies] over 2009
at a rising level of [visibility] within the global media stream but then the data
accretion patterns suggest that 2010 will bring a [shocking] level of [oceanic food chain
collapse] which directly affects the [health] and [protein/food] for over
[1/one billion] humans in that year.
Other [oceanic] issues are forecast to directly affect the [human food supplies] over 2009
at a rising level of [visibility] within the global media stream but then the data
accretion patterns suggest that 2010 will bring a [shocking] level of [oceanic food chain
collapse] which directly affects the [health] and [protein/food] for over
[1/one billion] humans in that year.
TSoTTC Issue 2 (September 2009):
Other areas of multiple cross linked data sets originating in the Terra entity include a
curios reference to [disease] in the form of that linguistic structure with support at the
primary level from [environmental] and [oceanic]. The data sets can be interpreted in 2
distinct and compatible directions. First that the [oceans] will [come down with a
disease] that will [impact humans] by way of [restricted access (to oceans)], and also
that the [oceans] will act as a [vector] in [propagating disease (onto) humans].....
The [oceanic disease] that will [impact humans] is also cross linked over to the [food
crops/chain collapse].
Other areas of multiple cross linked data sets originating in the Terra entity include a
curios reference to [disease] in the form of that linguistic structure with support at the
primary level from [environmental] and [oceanic]. The data sets can be interpreted in 2
distinct and compatible directions. First that the [oceans] will [come down with a
disease] that will [impact humans] by way of [restricted access (to oceans)], and also
that the [oceans] will act as a [vector] in [propagating disease (onto) humans].....
The [oceanic disease] that will [impact humans] is also cross linked over to the [food
crops/chain collapse].
Maintenant, le commentaire de Cliff:
"we are looking for 3/three events. The first would show the inability of the govt to be effective responder (through 'spin' and a failure to grasp the consequences), then two more which bring the govt into a total quivering mass of indecision. For reasons that *may become apparent in next weeks, this oil thing will fuck over global food supplies starting in mexico and se usofa and spread north and south. Millions of tons of proteins from the carribean sea will not make it into the food supplies, and off we go with rotating famines....
make sense? then the next 2 disasters...like what about an oil froth flavored hurricane over the gulf coast and up a thousand miles into the mississippi and moursoui river systems?
Pas joli jloi .... Et autre chose qui m'est venu à l'esprit, alors qu'un copain disait que BP ne pourrait jamais payer tout ça:
On attend aussi un carnage financier qui partirait de la faillite d'une ou plusieurs companies d'assurance...
M. Peter Sutherland et ses accolytes auront surement pensé à assurer les risques liés à ce genre d'"incident"??
Il parait que ça castagne dure en grèce en ce moment. kk un a des news ?
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RépondreSupprimerMon anglais est assez approximatif donc j'ai utilisé le traducteur. Je ne comprend pas comment HalfPastHuman travailles ? Avec quelle méthode et bases ? Steph.
RépondreSupprimerHPH analyse la conscience collective à travers le language (via le net)