samedi 29 mai 2010

(re-edit )Conférence sur les chemtrails du groupe Belfort, à Gand , Belgique

Avis à ceux qui comprennent l'anglais....

Il est possible de pouvoir suivre ( ou de revoir ) la conférence/ débat /symposium sur les chemtrails organisée par le groupe Belfort * à Gand ce week - end 29 & 30 mai 2010.

Streaming .TV shows by Ustream

Le film en avant première pour la conférence : "BYE BYE BLUE SKY" ( en français, pour ceux qui n'ont pu suivre la conférence, c'est un peu comme un résumé )

Chemtrail Symposium, moovie "Bye bye blue sky"

*About Belfort group :

History of Origin

Following a spontaneous personal invitation by the initiator, Mr. Peter Vereecke, some 200 people came together in the Belfort Hotel in Ghent, Belgium on 30th August 2009 to share their concerns. The decision was taken to found a new citizens... See more’ action group with the name of “Belfort-group, citizens in action”.

While remaining detached from political, religious, ideological and other opinions, this citizens’ initiative wants to make a stand in Flanders - yet connected with similar initiatives from abroad - for truth, freedom and the integrity of mankind that are increasingly being compromised.

In an initial phase we concentrated our focus on “the three c-words”, referring to the very real and worrying phenomena of chemtrails, collective vaccination and Codex Alimentarius.

Gradually our field of attention expanded to include issues like e.g. the climate, as well as solution-oriented themes like NWO solutions, “chembusters”, free energy, colloidal silver, etc.

The great Dream

Through information and actions, we would like to contribute from the grassroots to a sort of ‘ re-volution ‘, by this meaning to invite citizens to rise from a position of blind subjugation and stand up in truthfulness, dignity and liberty.

All throughout, we wish to ensure that this takes place in a dignified, well founded and respectful manner. In this perspective Gandhi’s person and method gives us an example to follow.

The logo

The Name

citizens in action

Explanation :

* In the flemish context, the word “belfort” means “belltower or belfry”, a tower at the center of a society where the citizens’ rights & liberties are kept and protected. From its top, approaching danger can be spotted quickly and the alarm bells rung.

Etymologically it means “mountain of peace”.

* Group : we are not an association but a movement and using the English word underlines that we feel ourselves connected within a global, supranational transforrmation-mouvement.

* cia = citizens in action accentuates the aspect that citizens are taking responsibility, that they start sharing their knowledge, insights and wisdom and consequently take action. Any relation with the acronym of an American organization is coincidental.

The Structure

Above all, we wish to be a movement without heavy structures and statutes.

The B-group is essential and consists of approximately 2.000 supporters and emissaries at this time, among which we count doctors, scientists, lawyers, etc.
The B-team consists of some ten members who have taken upon themselves practical responsibilities or who are coordinating working groups.
The B-core group is a triumvirate made up of
Peter Vereecke ( )
Rudy Van Damme ( )
Gerry Nelissen ( )


* In 2009, two symposia were organized. The first event treated the subject of “Vaccination” and took place on 3rd October. The theme of the second symposium was the “Codex Alimentarius”, taking place on 29th November. Three months later, the third symposium occurred on 13th February, on the general theme of “Our Health”.

* The next major event figuring on the agenda for 2010 is the International Symposium “ The illegal Spraying of harmful substances in the atmosphere by airplanes, also known as ‘chemtrails’ : The Truth! ”, which will be held in an auditorium of the University of Ghent, on Saturday, 29th May.

* Open meetings and info sessions take place on a regular basis and are accessible for supporters and anybody interested in the subject matter.

* Furthermore, we regularly write open letters to Parliamentarians, to organizations of various interests, people in different functions.

* Our Working Groups meet on a regular basis as well.

Contact details
Central e-mail address :
Internetsite :
( Webmaster: Gerry Nelissen )
Website ( under construction ) :
( Webmaster: Wim Vanaelst )

5 commentaires:

  1. Aucun rapport avec le sujet : ci-dessous une vidéo sur les émeutes de Los-Angeles en 1992. juste pour ce rendre compte ce qu'est une guerre civile. A ce sujet, il me semble avoir lu que Henry Kinsinger avait dit qu'à l'avenir ce serait les troupes de l'ONU qui seraient chargées de mater les futures émeutes dans les villes US... steph

    avec le lien c'est mieux !!

  3. J'ai enlevé la collection d'écrans noirs et remplacé par des liens parce que ca foutait une merde pas possible.

  4. J'ai remplacé les liens par le "media stream".... ça donne plus envie de regarder! :)

  5. arretes tes conneries, tu m enerves là


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