dimanche 9 octobre 2011

Eurocalypse Now (2)

Le Welt Online a encore pondu un article alarmiste aujourd'hui, combinant cette fois "collapse" et "sauvetage" dans le titre (voir billet d'hier) :0) Rettung oder Kollaps - jetzt läuft der Countdown
Le contenu est le même... Nos démineurs nationaux vont essayer de desamorcer une bombe bien trop grosse pour eux.

So Nick, what's the French for 'Pull your finger out, Sarkozy'? Mail Online
[...]Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, is a particular source of frustration. The British Government believes that the French urgently need to inject money into three of their banks if another set of bank collapses is to be avoided.
But Sarkozy doesn’t want to do this before the French presidential elections next year, fearing that another bank bailout would doom his presidency. When I asked one close Cameron ally if Sarkozy’s stance will result in another financial crisis, he replied: ‘Unless the French change course, yes.’

France pushes Germany on EU bank rescue deal Telegraph
France and Germany will make a high-stakes attempt to settle their differences over who pays for a multi-billion pound rescue of eurozone banks on Sunday, with the French pushing for help from the eurozone's emergency fund.

Deutsche MittelstandsNachrichten annonce un nouveau trend: Parier contre le france et l'Allemagne. Ils l'ont bien cherché.

Edit 17:47
Euro Reckoning Amongst Long Term Threats
An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
October 8 2011: The political importance of saving the Euro and the countries within it, six sovereign defaults in europe, more disruption to come in the financial markets, Germany preparing for the worst, the seed of doubt for the Euro, more job cuts stateside, unemployment now a semipermanent condition for many in the US. [...]
The International Forecaster

Résumé: L'allemagne va retourner au DM, la france au franc. Six pays de l' UE vont être en défaut.

3 commentaires:

  1. on sait que l'effondrement va se produire mais on ne sait pas quand, le 11 octobre, le jeudi 13/10 ?...

    Quand on entendra cet oiseau extraordinaire imiter un grand krach, alors on saura


  2. une épine de plus dans le pied du charlot Darwin, qui n'avait déjà pas besoin de ça :o)


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